From anything to everything, there's something out there for everybody :)

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Writing. Tiramisu. New York City, Newspapers. Vogue. Calvin and Hobbes, Roald Dahl. Sangrias. Beaches. Jazz. Animated movies. Theater. Politics. Languages.Bob Marley speeches. Billy Joel.

Sunday 3 November 2013


There are a few times in life that you can look back and say 'that's when it all changed'. How often does that really happen to people? That moment when you know that you've left whatever your belief system, your version of the way life was supposed to pan out behind. 

It's called an epiphany. Some epiphanies come in that typical way - the music does escalate, the blood that pumps through your heart rushes with a force you didn't know it was capable of, the goosebumps leave a tingling sensation on every last nerve and you feel like your mind will explode with the possibilities of all those things that you haven't still touched. 

There's that space, you know the void that you feel. It's funny because you can't really feel a void- its emptiness; how can you feel something that isn't tangible? But you can. You feel like you've made some karmic connection with the universe that allows you to fill yourself with memories and flashes of the future, all amalgamated into a fusion of emotionally yours by Bob Dylan.

So what's the point? it's this - there's a loss of simplicity, of succinctly calm conversations that lead to that point of a quintessential epiphany that leaves you numb and empowered at the same time. That inspiration that takes your from normalcy to blown out of proportion, that changes you, that shakes you from your core...only because it was always meant to be that way. 

It's like you're given a third eye and the way you see the world will never be the same again and the way the world sees you will be that haunting image of a reckless misfit that couldn't fit in. 

And it's funny because that space where you couldn't fit in and you exist in now is a limbo that makes you feel safe and alive at the same time. 

Since June 14th, 2011.